10 secrets of happy marriage!

When getting married, every person has some doubts and fears about happiness. The way to overcome all these negativities is to enjoy and take care of it after making the choice of your life . Here is the recipe for happiness in 10 steps..
1- Be a sharer
Share your life, tell about your day, for example. Of course, do not ignore what he wants to say by talking all day long. Strive to alleviate his troubles. Listen without questioning, don't judge. Let him feel your support. So be your spouse's confidant. If he doesn't want to tell, don't force him into questions. It has to be accepted that men are different from us. If they have something to say, they say it directly. They do not wait for insistence like us ladies.
In such cases, trying to distract his mind is the most effective method. Create an activity you can do together that you both enjoy.
2- Don't make small problems bigger!
The thing that men can't stand the most is the unnecessary female caprice. Unfortunately, this is the biggest mistake of most women. No matter how angry you are, know how to file yourself. Think twice before reacting. Don't say anything you'll regret when you're angry. This breaks and tires both of you. When you get angry, close your eyes and count to ten. Or do not say anything until your anger subsides, try to talk to him as soon as you calm down and try to tell him what hurt you.
Also, men's brains are not as complex as ours, they don't even notice many of the problems you think you don't care about. So when there is a problem , tell him how you feel , without bullshit . Don't expect him to understand your problem by being silent and capricious. Save that for your girlfriends . Do not try to change your spouse, do not expect him to act like someone he is not. Even the slightest change in the basic personality of a person who has reached adulthood takes years. Don't have high expectations about it.
3- Pamper her..
Cook his favorite food, watch a game together, buy him a small gift . Set up a locksmith table and pour a glass of raki, for example, sip on each other. Or give him a little massage. In short, prepare something you think you will like. Who doesn't love to be pampered? Make sure your partner wants to be pampered.
For example, write your favorite features of him or your feelings for him on post-its and paste them in certain places of the house. Being appreciated will give him immense satisfaction and fuel your love. Forget your job for a day, the two of you, and make that day just for you. Take a short getaway that you could not plan to do together, or stay at home and enjoy your home. Cook together, watch movies all day or just cuddle and sleep. The rest is up to you..
4- Smile!
Don't you think your spouse deserves your beautiful smile after being tired at work all day? Smile sweetly at him, be sure, this smile will take all his tiredness away.
5- Keep your love fresh
Take a vacation alone, for example, give her a second honeymoon . This will be good for both you and your partner. Revive your forgotten excitements. You will be very surprised when you realize how much your patience and compassion for each other has decreased due to the tiring and intense work tempo after the holiday.
6- Don't give up on yourself
The biggest mistake of women is to let go of themselves after marriage, thinking that they have lost their freshness before marriage. Sleep patterns, eating times, etc.. They also change physically with the change of habits and they do not notice this in their daily routine. Don't make this mistake, people are as beautiful and young as they feel . look at yourself. Go to the gym, watch what you eat, always smell clean and be well-groomed!
Remember, a man always likes a clean and well-groomed woman. Take care of yourself and your health as physically and mentally as possible.
7- Don't be too hard on your patience
Don't push her for things you know she can't stand or things she tells you not to do. You know, men are like children, don't let them get on with it, you'll be the one who gets hurt!
8- Protect your own living space
Want to spend a full day with your girlfriends? Set yourself a day with him and let everyone meet their friends. Make this day coincide with an important football match day so that he can't say no to you. Being on a man-to-man basis with his friends will also make him very comfortable. It will remind you of the days when you were single.
9- Avoid routine!
I think this item is the opposite of marriage , but this is the biggest secret of love marriages ! Continuity is nice, but as long as it doesn't get boring. May every day in your life be special and different from the next. Avoid monotony as much as possible, but keep the peace right next to you.
10- Take care of his ideas!
Consult him on important matters that you cannot decide on your own. Remember, he is one of those who know you best. I'm sure he will be of great help to you and it will make him proud that you respect his opinions.