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Questions to Ask Before Getting Married
In fairy tales, great loves always end with a dream-like magnificent wedding. For us, this is a happy ending, but we don't know what happens next. I wonder if the prince continued to be able to maintain his courtesy, princess grace after his marriage? back to real life
Gemstones for Marriage Proposal
They are the only stones that come to mind first when it comes to marriage. For this reason, we have prepared a delightful article that shines brightly for you. We will talk about beautiful stones for those who are considering getting married in the near future. So, what are these stones? Which stone can you prefer in single stones?
Are You Ready To Get Married?
Marriage is a big issue for many of us that we cannot resolve. Maybe this is why we are afraid of getting married, and we can never feel ready for marriage. On the other hand, we dream of a beautiful wedding, a white wedding dress. Well, after the wedding
Does Marriage Kill Love?
The question that haunts almost every couple preparing to get married is 'Does Marriage Kill Love?'. It is said that the marriage ends the love, there is no excitement as before, and the gestures are left because the parties now look at each other with the eyes of a pocket. especially each other
Does Marriage Kill Love?
The question of whether marriage kills love is frequently asked by newly wed couples. We want to give you the answer to this question.
What Qualities Should a Man to Marry Have?
How should the man to marry be? We would like to give the answer to the question to you, our dear readers.
Topics to Discuss Before Getting Married
Before getting married, you should talk about the topics to be discussed with your partner and take a step towards marriage accordingly.
How about turning the wedding rush into fun?
No matter how different their age, socio-economic status, lifestyle, character or zodiac sign are, the common point that all brides-to-be meet is the anxiety experienced before the wedding.
10 secrets of happy marriage!
When getting married, every person has some doubts and fears about happiness. The way to overcome all these negativities is to enjoy and take it after you have made the choice of your life. Here is the recipe for happiness in 10 steps..
Nikah Öncesi Hukuksal İşlemler
Taptaze ve yeni bir hayata adım atmak için ilk EVET’inizi dediniz. Sıra ikincisinde. Ama öncesinde; gerekenleri biliyor musunuz?
We're Getting Married!
I can hear you saying, 'We're getting married, where do we start?' I suggest you take a look at my post before you panic.
Evlilik hazırlığı sürecinde yaşanabilecek stres durumları için çözümler
Evlilik kararı çoğunlukla büyük bir mutluluk ile başlasa da sonrasında stresli günleri de başlattığı bir gerçektir. Düğün hazırlıklarının getirdiği stresin yanında diğer aile fertlerini de mutlu etme çabası ufak ya da büyük gerilimler yaratabilmektedir.
Seeing Receiving a Marriage Proposal in a Dream
To see that you receive a marriage proposal in your dream indicates that you will have the opportunity to make long-awaited changes in your life.
Unutulmaz Evlilik Teklifleri
Sevdiğinize özel bir evlilik teklifi yapmak için fikir arıyorsanız doğru yerdesiniz. Blog yazımızla, o büyük soruyu soracağınız anda, sana ilham verebilmesi için birbirinden güzel evlilik tekliflerini sizlere sunacağız.
When to Wear Solitaire Rings and Wedding Rings
The usage features of the rings that you can use in your promise, engagement or wedding vary depending on the model and marital status. So, when is the solitaire ring worn?
Marriage Certificate
What is a Marriage Permit? If this question is starting to bother you, do not hesitate. We will give you answers to all questions about it.
Ways of Proposing Marriage
The boy proposes to the girl. With the acceptance of the girl, the marriage process officially begins. However, at this point, people have doubts about how to propose marriage. I want to make a simple marriage proposal
Promise and Engagement Preparations
Let's start the preparations for the promise and engagement, which is our first step after deciding on marriage. Recently, couples prefer to make promise and engagement together.
Getting Married Abroad
Isn't it romantic to get married in the city of your dreams in another part of the world? Yes, it's romantic, but that doesn't mean those who get married abroad can avoid bureaucratic procedures. Even if you get married abroad, the procedures you need to do, prepare