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Should We Use a Veil?

The veil is the name of the veil consisting of lace and tulle, used to cover the bride's face. It is one of the traditions from the past to the present. According to the belief, covering the veil means that the bride's face belongs only to her husband and only she can open it.

23/02/2022 11:43

They Will Carry All Your Loads At Your Wedding!

Although the comfort of the bride's shoes may seem like a small detail, it will directly affect the happy expression on your face on your wedding night, where you will be standing for hours.

22/02/2022 13:16

Her Çiçeğin Bir Anlamı Var!

Çiçeklerin taşıdıkları anlamlar ilk olarak on yedinci yüzyılda İstanbul’da oluşturulmaya başlandı. Çiçeklerin dili bu zamanlarda oluşturuldu ve dünyada yaklaşık sekiz yüz kadar çiçeğin anlamı bilinmektedir ve evrenselleşmiştir.

21/02/2022 14:06

The Perfect Complement to the Wedding Dress: Bridal Bouquet

Although the choice depends entirely on your personal preference, it is important to remember some details that you need to consider. Adhering to the concept of your wedding, your wedding dress and your own style will find the most suitable flower for you.

21/02/2022 13:55

Choose the Bridal Shoes Correctly, Have a Comfortable Wedding Day

Even if your wedding dress, hair and make-up are perfect, you can never be a happy bride if your shoes are tight and comfortable. Therefore, when choosing your shoes, you should pay attention to the following:

21/02/2022 12:55

Choosing the Right Jewelry for Your Wedding Dress Model

You bought the wedding dress of your dreams, but have you decided on your jewelry? Of course, jewelry sets that families and guests wear as gifts to the newlyweds, according to our traditional customs, are indispensable for every wedding.

21/02/2022 12:06

The Most Special Complement of the Wedding Dress

When choosing a bridal flower, which has many variations, it is useful to consider the whole of the wedding. The color of your wedding concept should be in harmony with the arrangements on the tables.

21/02/2022 10:50

What size should I choose when choosing a veil?

Although the choice of veil is generally taken as simple, it is the most important complement of the wedding dress model. Among the different alternatives, you should choose the veil model that best suits your style and wedding dress, both in size and length.

21/02/2022 10:43

Nişanda Ne Takılır?

Nişanın kız tarafının sorumluluğunda olduğu hesaba katıldığında bilhassa erkek tarafının aklında nişanda ne takılır sorusu bulunmaktadır. Nişanda ne takılır sorusuna verilecek cevap; ailelerin bulunduğu bölgeye ve adetlerine göre değişiklik gösterecektir.

19/02/2022 18:51

Duvak Modelleri

Kenarı zarif dantelle süslenmiş bu rahibe model duvağı, açık yada topuz saç modeliyle birlikte kullanabilirsiniz. Dantel dışındaki kısmı tamamen tül olduğu için sırt dekolteli bir gelinlik ile birlikte rahatça kullanabilirsiniz.

19/02/2022 18:37

Learn These Five Things Before Choosing A Diamond

Diamond is very important both before and after marriage. It is one of the most important jewelry that can be gifted to women not only in marriage but also on special occasions. Diamond colors, shapes, carat, or different according to price.

19/02/2022 18:32

What is the must-have of the wedding dress? What are the types?

Some materials are also needed to shape the wedding dress and make it look much cooler. Tarlatan or Underskirt is among the additional materials used primarily for wedding dresses. Adding a very different atmosphere to the wedding dress and

19/02/2022 18:11

When to Wear Solitaire Rings and Wedding Rings

The usage features of the rings that you can use in your promise, engagement or wedding vary depending on the model and marital status. So, when is the solitaire ring worn?

19/02/2022 15:26

Gelin Ayakkabısı: Rahatlık mı yoksa Şıklık mı?

Düğün gecesi; yorgun ama bir o kadar daha hareketli ve telaşlı geçeceği için gelin ayakkabısı seçimimizi en doğru şekilde yapmalıyız. 

19/02/2022 13:10

Gelinin El Çiçeği 

Gelinlik aksesuarları arasında en az gelin duvağı kadar önem verilenlerden biri olan gelin buketi birbirinden farklı renkte ve seçenekte sunularak canlı çiçek ya da yapay çiçek olarak tercih edilebiliyor.

19/02/2022 12:24

Doğru Gelin Buketini Seçmek

Düğün gününde prensesler gibi hissetmeniz sağlayacak olan güzel gelinlik modeliniz, duvağınız ve gelin ayakkabınızın yanında görkemli bir aksesuardır gelin çiçeği.

19/02/2022 12:09

The Most Trending Bridal Dressing Gown of the Latest Period

It would not be a lie if we say that bridal dressing gowns, which are the most favorite accessories of recent times, whether with or without stones, embroidered or plain, have managed to enter the list of indispensables with both their elegance and comfort.

18/02/2022 12:41

Laundry Selection for Wedding Dress

After long research and hustle and bustle, you chose your wedding dress and you achieved your wedding dress dream. Now it's time to choose the underwear you will wear on the wedding day.

18/02/2022 11:03
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