Marriage Application Guide

19-02-2022 12:13
Marriage Application Guide

You can find information about the official marriage application , which is a subject that many couples, full of happiness and excitement after the marriage proposal , do not know and need to research. Our blog post full of detailed information where you will find answers to all your questions.

The official documents required for marriage are as follows:

Originals and photocopies of identity cards with photographs

passport photos

Health report

Identity Registration Example – Marriage License Certificate

Certificate of residence

Marriage Declaration

Two points to remember are that your driver's license does not replace your identity card and that these listed documents may vary depending on the municipality you are applying for.

Requirements for a civil marriage and marriage application

Where can I get a Identity Registration Sample for Marriage ?

You can get a copy of the population registration, which is one of the documents required for the marriage application, directly by entering the e-government page, or you can have it removed from the population directorate you are affiliated with. Although rare, some municipalities do not want this document, so we think it would be beneficial to get information from the municipality beforehand.

Where to get Marriage License Certificate ?

It is called a marriage license certificate, which is issued by the provincial population administrations by removing from the family registry records and showing whether there is a situation that prevents marriage in terms of the population directorate. Again, the population registration samples taken from the population directorates can also replace this document.

What is a Declaration of Marriage and where to get it?

It is a request document that you must receive after the other documents are completed. You can go to the municipality where you want to get married and get the marriage declaration. Civil servants in charge of the municipality will issue this document for you during your application.

Where can I get a Health Report for Marriage ?

One of the documents required during the official marriage application is a medical report for marriage. It is a report that cannot be given by private hospitals. Although you can get the necessary tests done from private or public hospitals, the important thing is the approval of your family doctor. Your family doctor's signature should be on the medical report for the marriage. For this reason, it will be the healthiest situation to apply to your family doctor first and act under his guidance.

Documents required during marriage application

Official Marriage Procedures

After completing the required documents, you must apply to get the wedding date. For the marriage application, you need to go to the Marriage Office, where one of the couples resides or the municipality where the marriage will take place.

Marriage Certificate

As of 2018, district mufti offices have started to accept marriage applications. In order to make an application, it is sufficient to go to the district mufti where one of the spouses resides and make a request.

For those living in the village, the official marriage application can be made from the village headman. The headman, who receives the identity cards and photographs of the couples, prepares documents for the district government doctor for the health report and to the district population directorate for the marriage license certificate. Couples who apply for marriage can get their transactions done from the health center and population directorates with these documents. The documents obtained from these institutions are delivered to the village headman again. Certification of documents and marriage ceremony are also done by the village headman.

Remember: You must submit your application for marriage within 6 months after all documents have been collected. Applications made after 6 months will not be accepted as it will cause the validity period of the documents to expire.

Situations where the official marriage application is rejected:

Marriage applications may not be accepted in certain special circumstances.

Kinship: Between the upper lineage and the lower lineage in the marriage regulation; Applications for marriage between siblings, uncles, aunts and nephews are not accepted. In addition, even if a marriage constituting a kinship-in-law has come to an end, applications for marriage with one of the spouses above and below are considered invalid. Apart from these conditions, marriage between the adopter and the adopted child or between one of them and the other's descendants and spouse is prohibited.

Being married: A person who appears to be married in the official civil registry cannot remarry. If the marriage is terminated by a court decision for any reason during the application, this obstacle is removed.

In case of absence: The spouse of the person who disappeared in danger of death or could not be heard from for a long time, that is, whose absence was decided, cannot remarry unless the court decides to annul the marriage.

Lack of Official Health Report: If at least one of the spouses does not have an officially approved health report, the marriage application is not accepted.

Detection of Diseases Preventing Marriage: As a result of the examinations made while receiving a Health certificate for marriage, the detection of diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, soft chancre, leprosy, mental health in at least one of the couples creates a situation that prevents marriage. When these diseases are treated or the risk of transmission has passed, it may become possible to marry again with a doctor's report confirming this condition. In case of tuberculosis, the marriage is postponed for 6 months. If there is no improvement after these 6 months, the period is extended for another 6 months. At the end of this deadline, the parties are informed about the importance and danger of the disease.

Mental Illnesses: People with mental illness cannot marry unless it is proven with an official health board report that there is no medical objection to their marriage.

The period of iddah for the woman has not expired: In order for a previously married woman to remarry, a period of 300 days must pass after the divorce. This period is called the iddah period. In cases where the iddat period has not expired, marriage applications are rejected.

In how many days does the wedding process end?

Official marriage procedures can be completed in an average of two to four days, considering the documents you need to receive during working hours of official institutions and the distance between these institutions.

How many days after the wedding date?

After completing all the necessary documents for the marriage application and submitting it to the marriage office, the wedding date is given at the earliest 24 hours.

From what age can a civil marriage be made?

According to the laws of our country, the age of marriage starts from 18. According to our laws, a person must be at least 18 years of age to marry voluntarily. Those who are over the age of 17 can marry with the consent of their parents or legal guardian. In cases where the age of 16 is reached, marriage can only take place with a court decision.

Is the official wedding held on Public Holidays and Weekends?

In line with the demands of the couples and the suitability of the marriage officer, wedding ceremony can be performed on weekends, public holidays or outside working hours.

Fees for Wedding Transactions

Although there are different prices applied by each municipality, there may be differences in fees between weekdays and weekends or depending on the type of place to be visited. As an example, in Istanbul, weddings that take place during the week vary between 175 Lira and 300 Lira, and weddings that take place on weekends and/or holidays vary between 350 Liras and 600 Liras. These fees include service fee, file fee and marriage certificate expenses. You can find more precise fee information on the web page of the institution you are affiliated with.

In which cases the official marriage application will not be accepted

Can we have a Lightning Wedding?

You may need an extremely fast wedding process, purely because you find it more romantic or because of necessity. Unfortunately, it is not possible today to know that a lightning wedding can be arranged for this. Maybe because of the movies, many people think that the lightning wedding is still in practice. In the past, couples who applied for marriage could take the date of marriage to a later date than they thought, and thinking that they were late, they could file an objection, file a lawsuit, and the court could decide to hold a lightning wedding. Now that the marriage process can be completed in a shorter time, the lightning wedding has become a completely irrelevant practice.

Documents required for marriage to a foreign national: In addition to the standard documents we have mentioned above;

Marriage certificate for foreigners issued by local representatives of the state for foreigners

If the driver's license does not contain information such as place of birth, date, parents' name, birth certificate

Notarized translation of passport

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