Women's nightmare: Cervical cancer!

Cervical cancer is the second most common type of cancer among women in the world, and it causes a woman to die every 2 minutes. The World Health Organization currently estimates that more than 2 million women worldwide have cervical cancer. Each year, 490,000 new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed. That's more than 1,300 new cases per day. Cervical cancer is the excessive development of abnormal cells in the cervix, which we call the cervix, and as a result, the formation of atypical cancer precursor cells from these cells.
This is an important life-threatening disease. Abnormal cells that develop in the cervix can quickly turn into cancer cells if not treated… 635 million women in the world have cervical cancer. The size of the number is enough to show the severity of the cervical cancer disease. This is the reason why it has been emphasized so insistently in recent years. People have to be conscious and teach. Cervical cancer vaccine should be given to girls especially from the age of nine. HPV virus is a contagious disease. Therefore, polygamy is the biggest risk in cervical cancer. HPV virus also causes lesions called papillomas and genital warts.
Cervical cancer may not manifest itself for a year. The HPV virus takes shape in approximately 9-10 months. After the HPV virus finishes its incubation period, the symptoms of cervical cancer begin to appear one after the other. The most obvious warning is bleeding. Bleeding may be mixed with the flow. Symptoms following bleeding in discharge and itching. Depending on the non-progressive stage of the disease, aches and pains can be seen. Giving information about cervical cancer, which is the fearful dream of women , Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist Opr. Dr. Sedat Baylar said that cervical cancer is caused by a common virus, HPV (Human Papillomavirus).
Op. Dr. Sedat Baylar, in his statement, stated that 5 out of 10 women have encountered this virus during their lifetime. Noting that it is possible to be protected from cervical cancer, genital warts and other diseases caused by HPV, Opr. Dr. Sedat Baylar said, “Cervical cancer is abnormal cell proliferation in the cervix. Cervical cancer is a serious disease that can be life-threatening. If left untreated, these abnormal cells can develop into cervical cancer precursors and cancer. Often this takes many years; but in rare cases, it can develop within a year," he said. Expressing that cervical cancer may not show any symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage, Dr. Sedat Baylar said: “Abnormal vaginal bleeding, bleeding after sexual intercourse, abnormal vaginal discharge, groin pain are the symptoms of this disease.
The primary way to detect cervical cancer is the Pap test. The Pap test, which is part of the gynecological examination, helps detect abnormal cells in the cervix before they develop into cervical cancer precursors or cervical cancer. Like other types of cancer, cervical cancer has many forms of treatment. There are some issues that the healthcare professional will consider before choosing treatment. These; the extent of the cancer and the areas in which it has spread. Women 's age and general health. The three main methods in the treatment of cervical cancer are surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Op. Dr. Sedat Baylar continued his statement as follows:
“For many years, cervical cancer was thought to be a sexually transmitted disease. The underlying reason for this is that a researcher in the 19th century observed that this disease did not occur in nuns.
In a study conducted in the middle of the 20th century, it was determined that the incidence of the disease was higher in prostitutes , which led to further adherence to this theory. The disease is actually less common in women who have the habit of living a monogamous life and whose spouse is also monogamous, and in this respect, it behaves like a sexually transmitted disease. Sexual life that started at an early age, that is, before the age of 20, polygamous lifestyle or the spouse's adoption of a polygamous lifestyle, infection with HPV and smoking are the most important risk factors for the development of the disease. Cervical cancer is life threatening; but you have the power to reduce your risk of getting it. For this, it would be beneficial to first consult with your doctor.”