Questions to Ask Before Getting Married

23-02-2022 12:45
Questions to Ask Before Getting Married

In fairy tales, great loves always end with a dream-like magnificent wedding. For us, this is a happy ending, but we don't know what happens next. I wonder if the prince continued to be able to maintain his courtesy, princess grace after his marriage? When we return to real life, we know that marriages that start like a dream actually experience many problems, and unfortunately, marriages end because of unresolved problems. Because getting married means sharing life with a person and this can be a very challenging situation. Therefore, before getting married, you should ask your partner some questions and talk about these issues. In this way, you can share your own thoughts and dreams, and by expressing your mutual expectations, you can prevent future problems.

1. Where do you want to live after marriage?

One of the most common problems in marriages is "Where will we live?" In order to establish a life together, it is very important that the house you live in is in a location that both people want. Your partner may not want to live where you want to live or may want to be close to their family. Therefore, in order to avoid problems in the future, this issue should be discussed before marriage.

2. Do you have any doubts about living together?

As it turns out, get married! If you do not live in the same house with your lover, living together is a very different experience than being a lover. In the early stages of marriage, couples may have difficulty living in the same house. Apart from your social life, you will see aspects of yourself that you have never seen before, which may cause anxiety. That's why it's best to talk to your partner before getting married. In this way, you can mutually address your concerns.

3. How will we do the housework?

One of the classic problems of marriages is the distribution of housework duties. Fortunately, now men are also quite active in housework. However, there may still be problems in sharing some household chores. You should talk about this before getting married so that all the responsibility isn't on one person. When sharing household chores, it is also very important that you share according to one's skills. For example, if you are good at cooking, you can ask your spouse to help you wash the dishes.

4. Do you have a problem with my family?

Sometimes there are problems with family members in marriages. Although the mother-in-law-bride-in-law conflicts have unfortunately become classics, there may be conflicts with other members of the family. Therefore, keeping the mutual energies of families is a very important issue. But your partner or you may be hiding the person you're incompatible with. Before getting married, you should ask if there are any problems with your family, if there are, you can solve them.

5. Do you want to have children?

There is no rule that every couple should have children. But when there are differences of opinion on this issue, there can be unpleasantness between couples. While you may want to have children, your spouse may not, and this can be disappointing. Opinions may change over time, but you should still ask your partner's opinion before you set off by saying, "I'll change his mind."

6. How many children do you want?

There may also be disagreements between couples about how many children they want to have, apart from having children. While you may have only one child in your plans, your partner may be dreaming of a family with three or four children. Talking openly about this topic can be difficult at first. But if your partner wants children, you should ask how many children they want. Your future plans will be useful for you to find out if you have a common dream.

7. Can I make plans without you?

Being married means sharing life, but it is a very important issue for you to take time for yourself. Although some couples always want to spend their social life as a couple, it may not be very good for the health of the relationship. If your lover has different ideas about this issue, you should talk about it and express your wishes. You can say that you want to spend one day of the week with your friends or on your own.

8. How will we provide for the household?

You may not want to talk about financial matters in your relationship. In order not to have problems in the future, you should be realistic. The fact that there are no conflicts about financial issues during the periods when you are lovers does not mean that they will not happen after marriage. Living together and maintaining a home is a difficult situation. Therefore, you can resolve this issue by sharing expenses with your partner before getting married.

9. What annoys you most at home?

One of the most enjoyable aspects of sharing the same house is discovering your spouse's home state! However, your spouse may have some routines at home and these changes may disturb him. Likewise, you may be uneasy about changing your habits. For this reason, you should ask your lover what he can get angry about at home and express your own sensitivities.

10. How should I treat you when you are angry?

It is very important for the health of your relationship to learn what attitude your partner wants to see when they are angry. Some people like to shut up and be alone when they're angry, while others want to talk it out. For this reason, you should ask your lover how you should behave when he is angry.

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