Advice for those who will make a promise or engagement organization at home

Advice for those who will make a promise or engagement organization at home

You have started the preparations for your promise or engagement and have decided what kind of organization you will do. In order not to be disappointed in this night that you have prepared with care, we will give you some advice on how to organize engagement and engagement organizations at home. We will try to give you information about everything from the treats to be made at the engagement ceremony at home , to the number of guests, to the engagement dress, to the gifts to be worn. Keep reading.

1-How Many People Should Be the Engagement Organization at Home?

Currently, brides-to-be usually want to make their engagement between the family sincerely. The number of people to be invited may vary according to the invitation hall. In particular, you should plan how many people will come according to how many people your house can lift.

For a small organization to be held among the family, usually between 20 and 30 people are invited. Depending on the width of the house, you can enlarge the organization a little and increase the number of guests.

how many people should you plan to invite for an engagement ceremony planned at home

2-Who is invited to the engagement ceremony at home?

Of course, your must-haves in the engagement are parents, siblings, spouses of siblings and family elders. So if you want a simple engagement with the participation of a few people, your list should be like this.

If you are considering a slightly larger guest list, you can also invite the spouses and children of your parents and siblings. Of course, you can make your job easier by inviting a few close friends who will help you.

If you are considering a promise or engagement ceremony at home, you will need the right planning.

3-Do you have enough seating for your guests?

In order to make a promise or engagement at home, you need to pre-arrange all the items in the house according to the number of guests. If you need extra items, you can get them from your neighbors or you can contact the organization company and ask them to help you.

4-How Long Does Engagement Take at Home?

Generally, in engagements made at home, the engagement and the promise are made together. It takes an average of 2 to 3 hours to welcome the guests, to entertain them, to offer treats, to ask for a girl's speech, to put on a ring and to have a cake ceremony.

5- Have you determined the Engagement Concept ?

To get engaged in your home, you need to determine in advance what you are going to do. Determining the concept in advance will make your preparations easier. The concept you choose will also make it easier for you to decorate and organize at home. By pre-determining everything from your dress to your cake, from your engagement tray to the engagement table, you will not only achieve a beautiful color harmony, but also make your night beautiful.

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